Hey there! Just a FFXIV player looking to dump my personal collections of game screenshots/gposes. Also a relatively fresh RPer planning to expand on my OCs. Feel free to take a look!
A typical FFXIV player that dove into the black hole that is gposing. I typically raid whenever possible, but when there's nothing much going on I gpose my lalafell in whatever comes to mind. I grab my friends to practice on as well, I just enjoy taking pictures despite not being the best at 'em ^^;Feel free to hit me up in game or on Discord. I like making friends, but Im naturally a shy person.A disclaimer about the player vs the character: I am not my character. I separate very quickly between IC and OOC and try my best to inform others whenever it happens.Note: My lalafell is an adult and although I am not interested in the erotic aspects of RP, I would very much prefer if you treat my character with respect as an adult. Failure to do so will result in undesirable consequences.

Iona/"Eden" (Link in Progress)

Satori (Link in Progress)